Known as "Cape Breton's Rose", Evelyn MacRae is one of sixteen children born to Edna and Allan MacRae. She started playing guitar at the age of nine by watching her brothers and then, when they were away, taking their guitars and copying what they had done.
By the age of fourteen she performed at her first concert and the rest is history.
She has a variety of over 7000 songs which she can perform from country to rock & roll, Newfoundland, Irish and, of course, Cape Breton stylings, including gospel. Evelyn has written over 100 songs and has completed ten CDs. She is known for her unending willingness to help others with benefit concerts and fund raisers, especially if there is someone in need. She performs regularly at Nursing Homes and Senior Citizens’ Homes.
Along with all her charity performances, Evelyn has been able to travel and receive awards across Canada, including the Maritime Provinces. She has also travelled to Nashville, USA.
Throughout her travels, she has appeared on such well known stages as the Havelock Jamboree and Princes Theater, Ontario, and the Calgary Stampede in Alberta to name only a few.
Evelyn has received air play on several radio stations throughout Canada including the Maritime Provinces, Manitoba, Ontario and Alberta and also in Nashville, Scotland and Ireland.
During her travels she has shared the stage with such well known artists as Rick Tippy, Mac Wiseman, John Allen Cameron, Ronnie Hawkins, Eddy Eastman, Rita MacNeil, Beverley Mahood, The Barra MacNeils, Ashley MacIsaac, Robert Bouchard and Harold McIntyre.
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